Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Les Rallizes Denudés - Heavier Than a Death in the Family

Les Rallizes Dénudés - Heavier Than a Death in the Family

I completely hated radio, that is, until I started listening to KGNU this year. KGNU is a community radio station here in Boulder - all volunteer, no ads, radical and leftist political shows, and fucking amazing music. A couple of nights ago they played an hour long set of Les Rallizes Denudés, it's the craziest and greatest thing I've ever heard on a radio station.

Les Rallizes Denudés are an influential, yet reclusive Japanese psychedelic noise band. They were formed in 1967, and the band was known for their ties to avant-garde theater groups (as typified by Shuji Terayama's troupe) and leftist political groups, as well as for their feedback-drenched live shows and use of strobe lights and mirror balls onstage, which earned them comparisons to the Velvet Underground. Most of their albums that have been released are in very limited editions. You will only find them on a few internet blogs (like mine), hardcore record collectors in Japan, and a few U.S. radio stations, I guess. The band's style is typified by simple, repeated bass lines and shrieking guitar feedback.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Disco Inferno - D. I. Go Pop

I'm not sure which is more decieving, the band name or the album name. DI Go Pop is a post-rock album, but more in technical definition and less pertaining to the sound that this classification has come to represent. Most songs are constructed with sounds that dont resemble traditional instruments or even instruments at all and yes there are lyrics. To me this album sounds like if Wire's 154 went on a 15 year time warp and in the transmission all the songs lost their structure.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

7% Solution - All About Satellites and Spaceships

7% Solution - All About Satellites and Spaceships
Presenting my seminal post and introduction into the land of blogs.

The cool thing about having similar music taste as much of my friends is constantly sharing music. The downside is, it makes this blog almost obsolete. I'll try my best to add releases that are both hard to find and that some of you may not already have.

I peeked high and low in every record store looking for 7% Solution for probably two years and never was able to come across anything. Thank god for those couple of weeks I whored myself out to the CU radio station as I found both of their albums in their library.

7% Solution was a band out of Austin in the 90's who remain essentially unknown. If your into shoegaze, dream pop, space rock, etc. Get this shit! Normally I would prefer to write my own reviews but in this case Allmusic's is perfect:

Their unique blend of sonic experimentation, psychedelic loops and solitary enigmatic vocals, has made Seven Percent Solution one of the more original rock bands to ever blossom out of the more conventional Austin, Texas music scene. The name of the band is based on the title of a classic Sherlock Holmes mystery in which Holmes is wrapped up in a cocaine addiction. This story revolves around ambiguity and paranoia making it an appropriate name for the band, considering that these are some of the core themes carried over into their music. Seven Percent Solution creates vast alien textures; landscapes that seem foreign, but upon closer inspection, they are the places we go when we are lonely and confused, or maybe reminiscing about dreams that escaped and deceived us.